// properties.txt //Determine which file will be used for the logo //logo = ["sample-bank-green-sm.gif"]; logo = ["BB_ameb_Pos_4C 300 x 65.jpg"]; //Determine which file will be used for the Advanced Login Authentication logo logo_eam = ["092_bankLogo.png"]; //determine which file will be used for the Bill Pay logo billpaylogo = ["BB_ameb_Pos_4C 300 x 65.jpg"]; //billpaylogo = ["sample-bank-green-sm.gif"]; //determine which file will be used for the Remote Deposit Capture logo rdclogo = ["BB_ameb_Pos_4C 300 x 65.jpg"]; //rdclogo = ["sample-bank-green-sm.gif"]; //determine the product name in the header, sign on pages and Welcome page product = ["Business Solutions"] //Determine which file will be used for the banner //banner = ["blank.gif"]; banner = ["bibdemo2.gif"]; //Determine which files and captions will be used for the graphics on the landing page //Comment any graph and associated text if not desired //The graphs and text can be rearranged in the order desired //For instance, graph0 = ["main_graph_2.gif"] and text0 = ["NACHA"], etc. graph0 = ["blank.gif"]; text0 = ["blank "]; graph1 = ["blank.gif"]; text1 = ["blank "]; graph2 = ["blank.gif"]; text2 = ["blank "]; graph3 = ["blank.gif"]; text3 = ["blank "]; //Landing page content (modules_main.html) //Select if the demo will be a corporate demo or a small business demo. //1. If you want to display the landing page for corporate version //uncomment accounttype = ["accountreporting"] //2. If you want to display the landing page for small business //uncomment accounttype = ["reporting"] accounttype = ["accountreporting"]; //configure landing page for corporation version //accounttype = ["reporting"]; //configure landing page for small business //branded_messages = ['yes']; branded_messages = ['no']; //standard_branding = ['yes']; standard_branding = ['no']; //title_branding =['yes']; title_branding =['no']; //Yes will be used to show detail calculations for RegDD balance info, else partial info will be shown //regDD_calculations = ['yes']; regDD_calculations =['no']; important_message = ['yes']; //important_message = ['no']; //Property for Background demo Image //Demo_background = ['yes']; Demo_background = ['no'];